O direito humano à educação e as migrações internacionais contemporâneas: notas para uma agenda de pesquisa
The human right to education and contemporary international migrations: issues for a research agenda
This paper aims to explore how the human right to education debate addresses migrant populations. As our analysis framework, we will consider the new characteristics of current international migration flows, a reality that is particularly noticeable in big cities, including major Brazilian cities. We will develop consideration regarding the current concept of the human right to education and will particularly focus on the following question: what does it mean to guarantee the human right to education to migrant whether they are in the country illegally or legally? Then, we will highlight the particular case of Bolivian immigrants in the city of Sao Paulo and the struggle for their educational rights in order to finally come up with some questions for a research agenda.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18676/cadernoscenpec.v2i2.178
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ISSN 2237-9983